If you do not have any CMDB actively scanning you Azure environment, things could get messy if you’ve had several rushed deployments into your Azure infrastructure. I recently got to know about a script by a colleague, that can export every single resource in your subscription and display it in a very organized excel sheet.


I’ve uploaded the file here in TXT format, download it and rename to .ps1 ; You might need to have the below modules installed on your PC and one extension –

Azure AD
Azure CLI

Once those are installed, add the resource graph extension with this command -|

az extension add --name resource-graph

Now run the script, it will take you to the login page of Microsoft, use an admin account with permissions to read the tenant.

Some users reported having to run the script with the trigger -Online as the excel was not being generated. I have also verified this bug occurs and using the -Online resolves it. A second bug is that it will show 0 resources in the excel. This is something on your PC and you must re-install the powershell modules and extension.

Credits for this script go to https://github.com/microsoft/ARI